
Just drinks, no bullshit.
A dive bar located in the Brume of Ishgard. All are welcome and drinks are cheap.
The Rusty Mug has a neighborhood bar feel. While it is nothing fancy, it does have seats!
A sanctuary for those who feel more comfortable drinking from dented tin than from a wine glass. A place where the owner and staff will turn a blind eye or ear if they overhear shady business talk.While we do cater primarily to those who are lowborn or commoners, all are welcome. Though do keep in mind that nobility and noticeably high class types will not be particularly popular or treated politely.FAQ
However, we are 21+ both IC and OOC!Is The Rusty Mug a crime theme venue?
The Rusty Mug is not criminally aligned but we are also not anti-criminal. Meaning that the owner and staff will most likely look the other way if criminal activity is discussed within the venue. Overall, if something is not disruptive to the event and venue itself and is not harmful to staff or other guests, it would be allowed. If that's something you have OOC consent to RP with someone and you wish to do so at The Rusty Mug, please take that to tells or party chat or elsewhere to help us keep our event running smoothly and to ensure comfort of everyone else present.Does The Rusty Mug have a VIP program?
We do not.Do I have to join the FC to work as staff at The Rusty Mug?
Nope! You only have to be in this Discord server and our CWLS.How do I apply to be staff at The Rusty Mug?
Go to the Join Us section of the Carrd and click on Application. We're not always hiring but join our Discord to be the first to know when we do!Sync Info:
For this information, please join the Discord server: The Rusty Mug Discord
Games Room

Care to play some games of chance? Make your way to the games room, where there are billiards and card tables available.NOTE: These games are self hosted, for fun and IC gil only. We do not have dealers on staff or anything of that nature
All of these games are self-hosted by guests and/or staff! They are purely for fun with no real gil involved! These directions and rules are simply provided as a suggestion! Feel free to make up or use your own!
However, we do have a few rules that we ask you to follow:
- IC gil only please! This is just for fun!
- Keep your clothes on in the room, please no strip poker, ect.
- All regular venue rules apply in private rooms as well! Venue Rules
This is a modified version of 8-ball, to be played on the billiards table in the game room!One player will break the 8-ball formation with "/random"0-500 = Stripes
501-999 = SolidsHow to play:
To get a ball in, Players take turns in rolling "/random". If a player rolls higher than 500, the ball has gotten in. There are 8 balls, and each needs to be sunk before sinking the black 8 ball. If a player accidently sinks the 8 ball sooner than that, it is an automatic loss.To sink the 8-ball and secure a win, on the player’s turn, they will call out (in character) one of the 8 pockets that they are aiming the 8-Ball to sink in. OOC , the player tells the others a number between 1-8, then you use "/random 10". If the player gets their roll, they've sunk the 8-ball and have won!
EXAMPLE: "Eight ball, corner pocket ((Number 5))." /random 10If a player rolls a 1, they've sunk the 8-ball, which is an automatic loss.If a player rolls a 999, they've sunk the white ball. This means that the opposing team/player can remove the ball and place it anywhere on the table. Placing the white ball down means they can roll with advantage (roll /random twice, choose highest number)
This is a simplified version of Blackjack. The goal is to reach 21 or have a higher total hand value than the dealer without going over.It is recommended to use party chat to keep things organized!Players begin by placing their bets, the min-max values are at the discretion of the dealer.
(Suggestion of a 5k min bet. IC gil only! Feel free to go as high or low as you wish though!)Each player gets two face-up cards, while the dealer gets one face-up card. Players can choose to hit, stand, double down, or split. The dealer will then draw their own cards, which concludes when they bust or reach the required standing point.HIT: Player can request additional cards, up to the threshold of 21 or stand at any time.DOUBLE DOWN: Player pays their initial fee and receives one card. Then they automatically stand or bust.SPLIT: The player can split their duplicate cards into two hands. The player may hit these as regular hands as many times as they wish. A player cannot DD or split a hand that has already been split.STAND: Keep the current hand.CARDS: Each number represents its face value, with the exception of 1, 11, 12 and 13.Ace (1) counts as either 11 or 1, depending on what is more advantageous for the hand.
10, 11, 12, and 13 all count as 10.SPECIAL RULES
Splitting Aces: Allowed5 Card Charlie: When a player hits an additional five cards, and totals under 21, this becomes a 5 Card Charlie – which boosts the payout rate to 2.5x. The player must still beat the dealer.Natural 21: A natural 21 is unbeatable, it can only win or push (draw with the dealer).
The Patio

If you need a break from chat scroll or perhaps just a more private place for talking during your visit at The Rusty Mug, you may use our patio, among our private rooms in the venue.However, do keep in mind that all our same rules apply while using this room. This means if your roleplay is getting spicy, please take it elsewhere.

Age - All staff and patrons must be 21+ both IC and OOC. Anyone who breaks this rule will be banned from the Discord and venue itself.
Respect - Don’t be a jerk. Treat those around you with respect. No slurs, hate speech, racism, sexism or petty drama of any kind will not be tolerated. Let's keep this a positive, welcoming space.
Leadership - If someone in leadership asks you to drop a subject, drop it. Attempts to continue the conversation will result in removal. Don’t try to get in a last word over leadership. In addition, don’t try to play moderator and police others.
LGBT+ - We are a LGBT+ friendly venue. No homophobia, biphobia, or transphobia will be tolerated. This includes the use of language such as fg, fta, f+, tr*p,ect.If someone asks you to refrain from using a certain word around them, even if it is one you are personally okay with, just apologize and move on. Comfort levels of others are not up for debate.
Adult Content - Le Renard Argenté is meant to be a classy venue. As such, please keep vulgar language (swearing and innuendos are fine) out of public channels in game. In Discord, please keep any NSFW content in the appropriately marked NSFW channels. General channels are PG-13 rated, this means that suggestive comments or vague, brief mentions of sexual topics are okay. However, prolonged conversations or more detailed conversations of such topics would need to be moved to NSFW channels. NSFW content involving underage characters, Lalafell or non-consenting situations is not allowed.
ERP - ERP is not allowed at this venue. If your RP is becoming risqué, please take it elsewhere, in a private space, off of the premises. We are not a brothel or the Quicksand, please do not treat it as such.
Drama - While we love our IC drama here, let’s please keep it IC. If an issue does arise OOC, RP related or not, please try to resolve it in DMs with the parties involved before bringing it to management/staff. And do not confront such things in the Discord server or at events in game.
Spoilers - It is not unusual for sprouts to be present, because of this, try to remember to utilize the spoilers channel when discussing story content. Names of people or places or screenshots that include locations, are fine to mention or post anywhere even if they are specific to certain expansions but anything pertaining to storylines, deaths, plot twists, ect. should be put in the spoilers channel and tagged like this, for example: “spoilers, patch 5.2 content” or “spoilers, shb content.” However, if you are unsure, just use spoilers with tags to err on the side of caution!
Sivar Veitsiwesfv
Age: Adult
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: GayBio: Born to Skatay Range, Sivar spent many decades as a woodwarder before finding himself in Eorzea. After many adventures, which are best told over a drink or two, he found himself venturing into bar management. What better place to do so than within a cold climate that reminds him of home.
While he is often a quiet man, he enjoys hearing others stories and meeting all sorts of people, especially with a glass of rum in hand. Well-traveled, much older than he looks and covered in tattoos that are sure to tell a story all their own, it is clear that Sivar is a man who has seen and experienced much. While he has finally started to to plant some roots, he has hardly settled down. You can never fully tame a free spirit.


Age: Adult. (looks 30-ish years old.)
Gender/Pronouns: Fluid - He/Him
Sexuality: Yes. Pansexual; Panromantic; Polyamorous-ex.Bio: Ghost is a curious individual and finds other people fascinating. He’s out to experience as much from life as he can in any way he can. Just mind his sticky fingers, might not be just your gil he walks away with.
Gauge Lesoud

Age: 30
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: GayBio: A Brume born Ishgardian, Gauge spent a few years in competitive underground boxing. He did well enough for himself to move away from the Brume and to Gridania, where he owns a little cottage in the woods where he works at his passion, writing romance novels. But, of course, being a budding novelist does not pay of all the bills. And so, he also moonlights as a bartender.Though he seems a bit shy and awkward at times, he seems to enjoy the work. Mostly people watching.
Domaroux Bey'et

Age: 37 (unknown)
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him/They
Sexuality: OmniBio: A transplant native to the Black Shroud, Dom eventually found his way into Good Old Ishgard. Learning the intricacies of politics and the emotional ranges of the people there he's crafted a respectful and alluring reputation for making Dreams come true.Currently a vassal of his King, he works tirelessly to meet demand and supply in the form of Aetheric Energies and Gil. Living a mutually beneficial life style with those that exist around him, Dom tends to be a cool headed and reasonable man.With a good sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic, Dom specializes in dazzling and flirting. He found the Mug a delicious stop in his over all mission, and finds the patrons ripe for harvest and in need of good customer service.

Bar Manager
Jules Theroux

Jules Theroux
Age: 37
Gender/Pronouns: Male - He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bio: His smile is the first thing to be noticed. Ever present and never fading, one to make a cheshire cat proud, Jules is all pretty white teeth and sharp words. Hunter and contractor, he is now a bartender. He isn’t one to speak much of himself, but he adores getting to know others. Especially if it means a chance to learn something new. He does love listening to a good tale or two.
Bar Manager
Zamis Dhoro

Zamis Dhoro, Zami for short
Age: Appears early 30's
Gender/Pronouns: Male He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bio: Goofy and well-spoken, Zamis always gives off the air of a laid-back, patient sort of man that loves bringing humor and insight to conversations. You'll find that he rarely speaks of himself, but will gladly entertain long talks about anything else that comes to mind. He'd be happy to get to know you, and create any kind of drink you have in mind- be it something bordering on parody to a simple whiskey neat.
Bolen ut Moreau

Bolen ut Moreau
Age: 21
Gender/Pronouns: Male; he/him
Sexuality: Gay
Bio: From lands far, far North of Xak Tural, this small fellow is on an adventure of the culinarian persuasion. His dream is to become the best baker in the world, and to do that he travels through foreign lands learning recipes and experiencing the cultures that they come from.
Bolen is brainy and book-smart. He loves to read and often studies different subjects he finds interesting. Comics and manga are some of his favourite things to read. Be warned, he is quite the sarcastic brat.
He has a small house, where he tends to many plants and keeps a pet white weasel. While on his travels, the weasel acts as a companion. Her name is Serena.
Pazh Charovanya

Pazh Charovanya
Age: 30ish
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Female, she/her
Sexuality: Aroace
Bio: Born and raised in a remote part of the Black Shroud wiped out by the Calamity, Pazh’s backwoods upbringing shows in her accent. She has a penchant for mixing things—drinks, potions, poisons, explosives, things like that—and is always looking to try something new. Her outgoing, sunny demeanor hides a devious intellect, but she doesn’t consider herself a bad person, merely one who does whatever it takes to survive. Just because she’s a(n alleged) criminal doesn’t mean she’s completely lacking in principles. Her word is her bond, and she’ll do anything to help those she considers friends.
Crispin Delacoutre

Crispin Delacoutre
Age: ?
Gender/Pronouns: Male He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bio: Intimidating to look at with eyes that sheen crimson, he is rather easy to approach. His senses are keen, however, rarely missing anything that goes on in his vicinity, and he can be quick to act if a threat is within what he deems his territory. His speech comes off as a bit old-fashioned, but he is a good conversationalist and loves nothing more than listening to the adventures of others.
August Mercer

August Mercer
Age: 32
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bio: As the son of an executed heretic, Mercer's reputation precedes him. While there seems to be no credible evidence that he's done anything of the sort himself, proof has never been something the gossips of Ishgard require. Many in the Holy See believe him dangerous and best avoided. They wouldn't wish to be mistaken for a heretic themselves, after all. Their stares and whispers are met with a crooked smirk and a raised eyebrow. Either the Brume rat doesn't care or he's found use for the fear he accidentally instills in people. Either way, he's taken up residence leaning against the bar of The Rusty Mug with a tin cup of shite whiskey in hand and a spark of mischief in his green eyes. If he's intending to look intimidating he's not putting much effort into it. One would be forgiven for thinking the hyur was just here for the atmosphere and the free drinks. Maybe he's not so scary after all?
Ambrose Sterling

Ambrose Sterling
Age: 41
Gender/Pronouns: Male He/Him
Sexuality: Demisexual, Biromantic
Bio: Ambrose is a bounty hunter with a sort of affinity for cowboy hats and boots with spurs. He lives in Ishgard with his doting husband and 4 children. Despite looking rugged and mean on the outside, he is sweeter than a puppy when you get to know him. He takes pride in talking about his loved ones but some other topics of interests that will get his gears going are foraging, gardening, baking and weaponry (especially his demon's blood revolver). Ambrose can be compared to a big dumb dog most of the time since he is protective and stands his ground, but is also a little dim in the head. Either way, if you need some protection or some lively conversation, Ambrose is your guy. No, he wasn't the fella you saw with a bounty for his head? What are you on about?

Affiliated Venues
La Vipère

Care for something a little bit different? La Vipère offers a luxurious den for those who wish to indulge in a little escapism. And perhaps mingle among those of a supernatural nature. Or are they? You may never solve that mystery but you will find engaging company and indulgent intoxications in an upscale atmosphere.
La Vipère is an upscale hookah lounge and host club located in Ishgard. A place to unwind and immerse oneself in the luxurious atmosphere and engaging company.
Le Renard Argenté

A place for gentlemen who prefer the finer things in life, as well as the company of other men. Le Renard Argenté is both an upscale Ishgardian cocktail lounge and a host club catering to those who enjoy masculine company. You will not find courtesans or bookings here but you will find an elegant atmosphere and engaging company.
FAQ: Do you do affiliations with other venues?
The above venues are owned and operated by the same management as The Rusty Mug, they also feature some of the same staff across the three venues. We do not typically affiliate with other venues unless there is an IC reason and IC connection and said venue shares similarities with at least one of our three.